In May 2024, Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa legislature established a court reporter equipment incentive program as a response to Iowa’s shortage of court reporters. The program provides $50,000 in grants and $50,000 in forgivable loans toward the purchase of court reporter equipment and software for students and newly licensed professionals. 


  • $1,000 maximum grant for students 
  • $7,500 maximum forgivable loan for professionals 

Eligible expenses:

  • Court reporter equipment
  • Court reporter software

Applicants will be required to list expenses within the application. Equipment and software must be purchased on or after July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. The deadline for reimbursement requests is July 30, 2025. 

Payment process: 

  • Funding will be provided as a reimbursement for court reporter equipment and software purchased on or after July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. Equipment or software purchased prior to July 1, 2024, will not be eligible for funding.  
  • Grant and forgivable loan awardees will be required to provide documentation to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for all court reporter equipment and software costs incurred to receive reimbursement.



  • Must be enrolled in a court reporter course at a school in Iowa. 
  • Enrollment will be verified by the school.  

Newly licensed court reporters: 

  • Must be within one year of graduation from a court reporter training program.   
  • Must be a resident of Iowa.   
  • Must agree to work as a court reporter in Iowa for five years after the loan agreement is signed by all parties. 
  • Licensure will be verified with the Iowa Judicial Branch. 

Application Process

Required attachments:

Students and professionals:

  • Form W-9 

Professionals only:

  • Proof of Iowa residency 
  • Proof of court reporter training program graduation within one year 
  • Signed forgivable loan agreement 

Iowa Economic Development Authority staff will review all applications for eligibility and completeness. Staff may consult with a Court Reporter Equipment Advisory Panel during the review process.

Student awards will be announced October 30, followed by professional awards within 1 month after submission or by April 30, 2025. 
