In March 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Included in the CARES Act was a $5 billion supplemental allocation to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The State of Iowa has received $31.3 million in CDBG-CV funding; Approximately $21 million will be available to non-entitlement communities/counties in Iowa.
Activities funded with CDBG-CV funds must be determined to be a CDBG eligible activity. In addition, each activity funded with CDBG funds must meet one of three national objectives:
- Prevention and elimination of slum and blight
- Benefit low to moderate income persons
- Meet an urgent need
A minimum of 70% of all CDBG-CV funds must benefit low to moderate income persons. All activities funded through this program must prepare, prevent or respond to COVID-19.
All applicable state and federal CDBG regulations apply to CDBG-CV funds. (Davis-Bacon, Section 3, environmental/ 106 review, et al).
In addition, the CARES Act requires CDBG recipients to implement procedures to prevent any duplication of benefits as required by section 312 of the Stafford Act, as amended by section 1210 of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018. All recipients must implement policies and procedures to ensure and document project activities have not or could not receive financial assistance for the same activity costs.
In the first round of CDBG-CV applications, the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) accepted applications for assistance for the seven activities under the state’s CDBG-CV program listed below. In the second round of applications, IEDA will accept applications for two activities:
- Public Wi-Fi and food bank/pantry assistance
- Public facilities/public spaces
- Public Wi-Fi/ broadband access
- Microenterprise assistance
- Housing conversion
- Commercial façade improvements
- Food bank/food program assistance
- Daycare assistance
Application Process
CDBG-CV Second Round Application Workshop
Please review the Program Guidelines found in the resources section below for additional information. Apply at
- CDBG-CV Second Round Program Guidance
- June 22, 2022 CDBG-CV training/webinar
- June 22, 2022 CDBG-CV webinar slides
- CDBG CV Individual Subrogation Agreement v2
- CDBG CV Progress Policy update June 15, 2022
- Duplication of Benefits organization certification
- LMJ documentation and recordkeeping
- Public Services DOB certification
- Spanish Public Services DOB certification
- CDBG-CV Duplication of Benefits (DOB) Policy