It's An Iowa Thing

Iowa Title Guaranty was created by Iowa for Iowa. For decades we've protected Iowa's land-title system and reinvested every penny we've made right here in Iowa.

Iowa Title Guaranty provides superior title protection for Iowans by protecting the integrity of Iowa’s land title system.

Iowa Title Guaranty reinvests all revenue in excess of operating expenses into the housing assistance fund to support Iowa homebuyers.

Iowa Title Guaranty incentive payments paid to participants support local Iowa communities.

Impact of ITG

Giving back to Iowa with affordable housing programs


invested back into the Iowa affordable housing programs through Iowa Title Guaranty


paid from Iowa Title Guaranty to Iowa participants, supporting local Iowa communities


participating attorneys, abstractors, and independent closers

A key in a lock on a wooden door

Check Your Eligiblity

Ready to move forward with a IFA-sponsored program? Check your eligiblity to get started.