A downtown or traditional commercial district represents a community’s history and helps define the community. 

Does your downtown present a unique identity with features and strengths to draw residents, visitors, businesses, and commerce? 

Would you be proud to show your downtown to potential new business prospects or even someone considering a move to your community?

The Downtown Resource Center helps communities learn more about the importance of downtown development and specifically how your community can implement strategies to make downtown more viable. Community involvement may range from a simple downtown walk around to Main Street Iowa (MSI) program services. 


Main Street America and Main Street Iowa logos
Main Street Iowa

Coordinating Downtown Revitalization: A Time Tested Movement

The Main Street Iowa program works with a select group of communities to commit to extraordinary downtown economic development.

Save the Date: August 5–6

Iowa Downtown Conference

This annual two-day event celebrates historic downtown districts & neighborhood commercial areas. Hosted at different venues each year, it welcomes anyone interested in downtown economic development.

Merrill Hotel and Conference Center in Muscatine

Call For Speakers

If you have a high-quality presentation that would be appropriate for downtown/Main Street district economic development professionals and volunteers, we urge you to consider submitting a session proposal. 

We are seeking a balance of beginner, intermediate and advanced educational breakout sessions that are one hour in length, including time for Q & A.

Learn more

The Impact of Iowa's Downtown Study

Downtowns play an important role in the economic and social fabric of the state of Iowa. The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Iowa Downtown Resource Center helps communities learn about the importance of downtown development and assist local stakeholders in implementing revitalization strategies. 

In partnership with Main Street America, IEDA commissioned this study to assess and communicate the value of Iowa’s downtowns for residents across the state.

Shop Iowa

Online Marketplace for Retailers

Shop Iowa allows small brick-and-mortar retail businesses to list products on an online marketplace. 

Shop Iowa logo with main street behind