The Rural Innovation Grant program seeks to support creative ideas that address current issues and challenges faced by rural communities associated with the themes of community investment, growth, and connection. 

The word "innovation" is derived from the Latin verb innovare, which means to renew. At its root, innovation means to improve or to replace something, such as a process, a product, or a service. It is the concept of bringing creativity into implementation with a definitive outcome. This grant is designed to support the implementation stage of projects. 

The Rural Innovation Grant Program includes three distinct funding options: 

  • Rural Grocery: Food security is a critical issue in rural Iowa. Rural grocery stores are a key player in addressing this issue. These businesses play an important role in rural prosperity by being a local anchor business contributing to the vitality of rural places, offering employment opportunities, providing healthy and fresh foods, and keeping wealth in the community. Applicants may request up to $25,000 for technology upgrades and/or the adoption of new approaches to service delivery.
  • Rural Food Processors: Iowa has a strong focus on rural agriculture, including value-added ag products. Iowa has seen significant growth in the small food processor industry. The goal of this program is to provide critical information, services, and resources to existing small businesses that are on the verge of growth. Applicants may request up to $5,000 for equipment or technology upgrades, or support services to help the business meet industry regulations and strategically grow the business.
  • Economic Gardening: This program will assist local stage two growth companies with identifying new markets. The program will use sophisticated tools for strategic research combined with analytical frameworks to help local companies scale up and create jobs and wealth in rural communities. Companies will be connected to a team of specialists through the National Center for Economic Gardening who use corporate tools to find new markets, provide competitive intelligence, identify industry trends, assess digital marketing efforts, and find qualified leads. Applicants may request up to $5,000 to contract with the National Center for Economic Gardening and implement recommendations. 

This program is administered by the Center for Rural Revitalization, a division of the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), in consultation with the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative Task Forces.

View the Rural Innovation BOOST for Business Informational Webinar from September 5, 2024


  • An Iowa business that is incorporated in the state of Iowa or authorized to do business and is operating in the state of Iowa is eligible.
  • Projects/programs must exist in and benefit a community in Iowa with a population of 20,000 or fewer and not contiguous to a city with a population of 40,000 or greater. If a countywide project, must be in one of the 88 least populous counties.
  • Additional eligibility requirements are detailed in the grant guidelines.

Application Process

  • Application window opens September 3, 2024, on
  • Please review the Grant Guidelines found in the Resources area below for additional information on eligibility requirements, use of funding, reporting requirements and the review process. A copy of the scoring rubric is included.
  • The deadline to apply for funding is 4:00 p.m. CT, October 25, 2024. Applicants must apply via, the online application portal. Applications will not be accepted in any other format. Late, incomplete, or ineligible applications will not be considered. Applicants must create an login to view the full application for the program.
