The Iowa United First Aid pilot program, formerly called the Rural EMS Pilot, aims to leverage technology and volunteers to address challenges in rural emergency response. The mission is to provide immediate medical intervention during the critical window between the onset of an emergency and the arrival of traditional ambulance assistance. 

Recognizing the challenge of resources in rural Iowa and vast geographic area, this pilot will support at least two applicants to leverage GPS-location technology with trained volunteers to decrease the immediate response time and stabilize emergencies while coordinating with emergency assistance. Pilot program funding would be used to provide training and equipment to volunteers.

The program’s authority is through Iowa Administrative Code and is administered by the Center for Rural Revitalization, a division of the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), in consultation with the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative Task Forces and a strategic planning committee.


Eligible applicants must be one of the following types of entities and must meet all of the related requirements. Entities who do not meet these requirements are not eligible to apply.


  • Unit of local, county or federally-recognized tribal government physically located in Iowa


  • For-Profit corporation or business located in Iowa.
  • A business will be considered an Iowa business if the business is incorporated in the state of Iowa or authorized to do business in the state of Iowa.


  • Federally tax-exempt nonprofit organization incorporated and physically located in Iowa.
  • Physical location of the organization is defined as maintaining a current home office and registered agent address in Iowa defined by Iowa Code 490.501 as well as maintaining a primary staff presence physically located and working in Iowa.

Application Process

Funds for this program have been depleted. Information will be posted here if a new application cycle is opened.
