The $5 million Iowa Food Insecurity Infrastructure Fund is an investment in food bank infrastructure to help more Iowans in need get access to fresh, nutritious food.

This fund assists eligible nonprofit food banks and food pantry networks that have experienced economic hardship build, expand, or rehabilitate facilities to enable them to increase the amount of food, especially fresh food, distributed to local food pantries throughout Iowa.

The maximum award under this program will be 25% of the total project costs, capped at $2 million. Award decisions will be made on an ongoing basis as applications are submitted and reviewed. Typically, an award decision will be made by IEDA within 45- 60 days of submittal of a complete application.

Nonprofits receiving an award through this program will enter into an agreement with IEDA. Program funds will be released on a reimbursement basis, as eligible project costs are incurred. Grantees must gather and report data to IEDA to demonstrate the increased number of Iowans served.


  • Eligible nonprofits include food banks that are bulk food aggregators or distributors that replenish food pantries across Iowa, as well as nonprofit food pantry networks that serve as primary distribution points.
  • Funding must be used for vertical infrastructure projects only. This includes new build construction, new expansion or rehabilitation of an existing facility. Eligible activities include construction costs, including labor and materials; site acquisition, site development, building permit fees, engineering and architectural services, industrial refrigeration equipment, including installation, racks and shelving.
  • Projects currently in progress may be considered for assistance only if the applicant can demonstrate a need for financial assistance and/or project expansion and compliance with applicable 2 CFR 200 requirements (the Uniform Guidance) including, but not limited to, procurement standards set out in the Uniform Guidance. Funds cannot be used to replace already existing or pledged funding.
  • Individual food pantries that distribute bags or boxes of food directly to Iowans are not eligible for funding. Food pantries are supplied with food by partnering with a local food bank or pantry network and receive donations from local grocery manufacturers, retailers and food drives.

Application Process

The application form in lists all attachments required to be submitted with Food Insecurity Infrastructure applications. Required attachments include documentation of nonprofit status, documentation of ownership/site control of project property, and documentation of matching funds available to the project. 

Applications without all required attachments submitted will not be reviewed by IEDA.

IEDA will begin accepting applications on June 1 and will continue to review applications as they arrive through July 1, 2023 or until funds are exhausted. Funded projects must be complete by June 30, 2026.
