
Community Development Programs

A portion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are reserved for communities facing an imminent threat to the public requiring immediate assistance. These funds may also be used by communities seeing an opportunity to demonstrate sustainable community activities.

The program is funded through the federal CDBG program. The goal of this program is to provide economic opportunities for people, especially those of low- and moderate income.


Health and Safety Threat Projects

  • An immediate threat must exist to health, safety or community welfare that requires immediate action
  • The threat must result from unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances or events
  • Must meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program
  • No known alternative project or action would be more feasible than the proposed project
  • Sufficient other local, state or federal funds (including the competitive CDBG program) either are not available or cannot be obtained within the time frame necessary to address the problem

Opportunity for Sustainable Community Activities

  • Must meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program
  • Consistent with sustainability and smart growth principles
  • Provides a beneficial impact on the standard of living and quality of life of proposed beneficiaries
  • Ready to proceed and be completed in a timely manner
  • Leverages the maximum amount of local funds possible
  • Will continue to remain viable after CDBG assistance
  • Meets funding standards established by the minimum funding criteria set forth in the rule
  • Applicants provide adequate information to Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) on total project design and cost, as requested
  • Innovative and could be replicated in other communities
  • Meets or exceeds the minimum building and site design criteria established by the IEDA

Application Process

Applications are accepted at any time during the year, as funds are available. Contact the CDBG team for information regarding the availability of funds.