
Arts & Culture Programs

Iowa Community Cultural Grants enhance Iowa communities through the development of festivals, music, drama, cultural programs and tourism projects that provide jobs for Iowans while promoting Iowa’s cultural, ethnic and historical heritages.


  • Nonprofit organization that meets the following criteria:
    • Actively registered with the Iowa Secretary of State to do business in the state of Iowa.
    • Incorporated and physically located in Iowa or located in a border community that meets the requirements set out in the IEDA’s Border State Policy. “Physically located in Iowa” means maintaining a current registered office and registered agent address in Iowa pursuant to Iowa Code section 490.501 and maintaining a staff presence, with at least one paid full-time staff member, physically located and working in Iowa.
    • Exempt from federal taxes pursuant to Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) or applying through a fiscal agent. “Fiscal agent” is defined for purposes of the program and these guidelines in 261 Iowa Administrative Code 301.3.
    • Established for the promotion and development of one or more of the following disciplines or activities: the arts, history, culture, ethnicity, historic preservation, tourism, economic development, festivals or municipal libraries.
  • Unit of Iowa local or county government or federally recognized tribal council physically located in Iowa.

Application Process

Applicants must complete an online application by July 1, 2024.

Please review the Program Guidelines found in the resources section below for additional information on eligibility requirements, use of funding, reporting requirements, the review process, application questions and scoring rubric.


Schedule a meeting with Program Manager Jon Berg to discuss questions about the application

Manage Your Grant

Complete a Final Report form