
Arts & Culture Programs

The Iowa Screenwriters Grant is intended to provide support to Iowa’s screenwriters to undertake activities that advance their artistic practices and elevate the creative screenwriting industry in Iowa. It is a career advancement grant for Iowa screenwriters and focuses on providing professional development tied to an active screenplay that the applicant is working on.

The Iowa Screenwriters Grant is administered by the Iowa Arts Council, which exists within the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Funding is made possible by a sponsorship from the Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance and the Iowa Motion Picture Association. 


Application Process

  • Applicants must complete an online application by April 22, 2025, for the funding period July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.
  • Please review the grant guidelines found under the resources below for additional information on eligibility requirements, reporting requirements and review process, as well as application questions and the scoring rubric.


Manage Your Grant