
Historic Preservation

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the nation’s historic resources worthy of preservation. Properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places include: 

  • Districts
  • Sites
  • Buildings
  • Structures
  • Objects 

Properties are significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture at local, state or national levels.

Red Covered Bridge

National Register of Historic Places

Iowa has more than 2,000 nominations listed on the National Register of Historic Places, totaling more than 15,000 individual buildings, structures, sites and objects.

Properties are documented and evaluated according to uniform standards called the National Register Criteria for Evaluation. The criteria are used to identify important historic and archaeological properties worthy of preservation and consideration in making planning and development decisions.

The National Register of Historic Places is administered by the National Park Service under the Secretary of the Interior and managed at the state level by each respective state.

National Register of Historic Places Benefits & Considerations

A property listed in the National Register of Historic Places benefits from recognition of the property's historic, architectural or archaeological significance. Listed properties are also taken into account during various preservation and development projects.


Additional benefits include:

  • National recognition of the value of the properties to the nation, state of Iowa and community
  • A tool for local planning, heritage tourism and education
  • Provides for review of any federally licensed, financed or assisted projects to determine its effect on historic properties
  • Eligibility for federal and/or state income tax credit
  • Provides consideration in the decision to issue a surface coal mining permit
  • Provides qualification for federal assistance for historic preservation (such as planning and rehabilitation), when funds are available.


Listing on the National Register of Historic Places does not:

  • Ensure preservation or protection of a historic property
  • Restrict a property owner’s private property rights or require that properties be maintained, repaired or restored; however, significant modifications may result in removal from the register
  • Affect the use or sale of private property
  • Stop federally assisted government projects
  • Guarantee that grant funds will be available for all properties

Learn more about the common concerns and questions about property ownership and the National Register of Historic Places.

Preservation Assistance

Private preservation efforts, spurred by a listing on the National Register of Historic Places, have resulted in a rise in the value of historic properties and in the creation of construction, business and employment opportunities. Documentation used for evaluating and registering historic properties is the basis for decisions about which properties merit tax incentives or state or federal assistance, in addition to how the properties should be treated to respect their historic character.

Owners may wish to display a plaque commemorating the listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Many local and national trophy, plaque and monument companies produce these types of signs.

National Register of Historic Places and Landmarks FAQs

Learn answers to commonly asked questions about registering a property or landmark with the National Register of Historic Places and Landmarks.