The General Nonpoint Source (GNS) program offers communities affordable financing for a variety of nonpoint source water quality projects.
Visit Clean Water Iowa for more examples of eligible nonpoint source projects.
GNS Intended Use Plan Application and Project Review Process
- Pre-application consultation
- Prior to applying, contact the DNR SRF Program to discuss project eligibility for the GNS program, application process and project timeline. Email with "GNS pre-application discussion" in the subject line.
- A pre-application consultation with a DNR project manager, the applicant, design engineer, technical advisor (TA) and Iowa Finance Authority should occur prior to submitting the application. The pre-application consultation should ideally occur at least 10 business days prior to the quarterly IUP submission deadline.
- A site visit to the proposed project area is also recommended to occur prior to submitting the application.
- Submit a General Nonpoint Source application to
- Applications are scored by DNR SRF nonpoint staff and reviewed by a TA and additional subject matter experts as needed.
- In 6-8 weeks, the applicant may be emailed an Application Score Email which includes the application score, assigned DNR Project Manager and the date their project will be included in the IUP and reviewed by the Environmental Protection Commission.
- The DNR project manager will schedule a virtual design check-in meeting to occur after the quarterly Environmental Protection Commission meeting. If a site visit has not occurred, a site visit with the applicant, design engineer, technical advisor and DNR PM should occur prior to the design check-in meeting
- Quarterly meeting of Environmental Protection Commission to review IUP and Project Priority List
- Applicant is emailed a GNS Incentive Interest Rate Letter describing the terms and conditions of the interest rate and construction loan offered through the CWSRF GNS Program
- The design check-in meeting confirms the current status of design (e.g. design concept, 30%, 60%, 90%) and outlines next steps for design review
- Depending on technical and eligibility comments discussed at the design check-in meeting the applicant will proceed through 30/60/90%/Final plans and specifications review
- Final plans and specifications are submitted to the DNR PM for pre-bid eligibility review
- SRF Nonpoint Front-Ends must be included in final specifications in the bid document package
- The DNR Project Manager issues a Final Plans and Specifications Letter to applicant identifying eligible and non-eligible line items
- DNR Project Manager provides a Bid Document Checklist to be submitted to the DNR PM once bids have been awarded
- Project goes to bid and is awarded
- The DNR Project Manager reviews the bid document package and issues an Eligibility Letter stating the total amount of SRF eligible construction costs of the project
- The applicant may now work with the Iowa Finance Authority to lock the interest rate and prepare a Construction Loan Application
- Pre-construction meeting
- TA and possibly DNR Project Manager visit the project during construction
- Final inspection
Application Information
Email Address
Email Address