Street Grid Main Street Iowa

Street Grid is a living file library for Main Street and downtown revitalization organizations to streamline organizational efficiency, springboard planning efforts, and empower advocacy for this grassroots economic development engine. Street Grid also includes a collection of examples, samples and templates. 

Connecting with the Iowa Downtown Network

Welcome sign at the Iowa Downtown Conference

Each year, the Iowa Downtown Resource Center hosts two key in-person downtown networking events. The Iowa Downtown Conference is the premier statewide annual conference for professionals and volunteers involved with downtown revitalization in Iowa and neighboring states. The Downtown Conference is traditionally hosted the first week of August.

The Iowa Downtown Resource Center also hosts a series of Downtown Forums annually in four locations across the state. The forums offer downtown and community leaders’ communities the opportunity to collaborate about downtown ideas, successes, and challenges. Iowa Downtown Resource Center staff facilitate discussions relating to downtown revitalization and available grant programs and other resources.

Downtown Design Guide

The Iowa Downtown Resource Center and Main Street Iowa created the Downtown Design Guide to assist community stakeholders working on historic commercial district revitalization across the state. The guide can be a great tool for any community interested in preserving and maintaining the historic character of its physical assets while embracing diversity, quality design, sustainability practices and accessibility for all.

Addressing Problem Properties in Downtown Districts

The appearance, use, and safety of downtown districts impact community image, property values, future investments, and ultimately, the long-term vitality of communities. A downtown cannot reach its full potential and thrive as a center for living, working, and entertainment if nuisance buildings, improperly maintained lots and poor building uses are the focal point. Solutions come with local action. Community leaders must identify challenges and develop ideas, programs, and procedures to improve those problem properties.

Additional Resources

boats docked at lake okoboji by ferris wheel
March 12-13, 2025

Iowa Tourism Conference

The annual Iowa Tourism Conference is an essential networking and educational event for anyone who is focused on marketing efforts meant to elevate Iowa’s tourism destinations and attractions.