

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program is a federally funded program designed to assist states, local governments, and tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use and carbon emissions and to improve energy efficiency.

The purpose of the EECBG program is to support:

  • Building energy assessments or audits and upgrades
  • Upgrading wastewater or water supply facilities for energy efficiency
  • Replacing traffic signals and streetlights to improve energy efficiency
  • Demonstrating innovative renewable energy project deployment

Application Deadline: March 18, 2024


The Iowa EECBG program is comprised of two funds—Community Fund and Innovation Fund.

  • Eligible applicants for the Community Fund are cities and counties not eligible to receive a formula EECBG direct allocation from the federal government.
  • Eligible applicants for the Innovation Fund include local governments, nonprofits and for profit entities.

The EECBG Policies and Procedures Handbook includes:

  • Eligibility requirements
  • Program details, including types of projects that align with program purposes and priorities
  • Processes for applicants

Application Process

Applications will be available and accepted through

If applicant representatives do not already have an account in, they will need to register before accessing the application.
