
Water Quality Programs

The Iowa Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) provides low-interest loans and financial assistance to eligible entities for the planning, design, and construction of a variety of water quality improvement projects. 

Since 1989, Iowa’s Clean Water SRF program has provided more than $3.3 billion to communities to finance water infrastructure projects to protect or improve our state’s rivers, streams, lakes, and other water resources for future generations. 

The CWSRF program leverages federal funding to finance a wide range of eligible projects, including the improvement or expansion of wastewater treatment facilities, sewer system improvements, and the implementation of green infrastructure projects. Projects funded by the program must meet certain criteria, such as improving water quality, protecting public health and the environment, and ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations.  

CWSRF - Eligibility & Terms

Steps to Financing a Project with SRF

Application & Deadlines