
Water Quality Resources

All SRF construction projects must be reviewed for impacts on the human and natural environment including a request for public comment.

CWSRF and DWSRF construction projects must comply with the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA), which ensures agencies consider the significant environmental and socio-economic impacts of proposed actions and informs the public about the decision making.

Environmental Review Specialists are available to coordinate with consultants and grant administrators to assist SRF applicants with obtaining required environmental and historical clearances, compose and distribute Categorical Exclusions (CX), Reaffirmations (RE), Environmental Information Documents (EID), Environmental Assessment Documents (EAD), and Finding of No Significant Impacts (FNSI).

The environmental review process and how it fits into the SRF project procedures is described in the Wastewater Construction Manual and the Water Supply Engineering Manual

Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI)

Documents available for comment until end of the review period. Projects are listed sequentially by date review period ends.

Project: Johnston NW Saylorville Dr New Water Main Project
Review Period Ends: February 16, 2025
Contact: Hailey Andersen 

Project:  Creston DWSRF - Water Main and LSLR FNSI
Review Period Ends: February 26, 2025
Contact: Nicole Osborn 

Project:  Fort Madison 10th CWSRF
Review Period Ends: March 5, 2025
Contact: Nicole Osborn 

Categorical Exclusion (CX) or Reaffirmation (RE)

Documents available for comment until further notice (minimum of 30 days). Projects are listed alphabetically.

Project: City of Bonaparte - Sewer Lining Phase I 
Contact: Nicole Osborn

Project: City of Elgin Sanitary Sewer CIPP Lining
Contact: Becca Flynn Kettman 

Project: City of Maxwell Filter Backwash Treatment
Contact: Becca Flynn Kettman 

Project: Homestead Sanitary District WWTP Improvements/UV Disinfection
Contact: Becca Flynn Kettman

Project: Johnston Little Beaver Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension Segments 2A, B, & C Reaffirmation
Contact: Hailey Andersen 

Project: Yale Water Treatment Filter Unit Replacement
Contact: Hailey Andersen


Free Language Assistance | Asistencia Lingüística Gratuita

If you speak a non-English language, we offer you language assistance services free of charge. Call 515.725.8200. 

Si habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, los servicios de asistencia lingüística están disponibles de forma gratuita. Llame al 515.725.8200.