The CWSRF and DWSRF IUP and Project Priority List (PPL) are submitted to the EPA as part of the application for a capitalization grant. The IUP and PPL are reviewed and approved quarterly by the Iowa Environmental Protection Commission (EPC). Federal and state law requires, and Iowa welcomes, public participation in the development of the IUP.
All of the participation opportunities mentioned below are open to the public. See the SFY 2025-2026 IUP Applications Deadlines for a schedule of the IUP posting dates, public hearings, comment periods and EPC meeting dates.
Public Comments
Each quarter the DRAFT CWSRF and DWSRF IUPs and PPLs are updated and made available to the public for review about 60 days after the quarterly IUP application deadline. The DRAFT IUP and PPL are posted on the CWSRF Program page and the DWSRF Program page.
Public comments are accepted for up to 30 days following the posting at
Public Hearings
A public meeting to allow input to Iowa’s IUPs and PPLs are typically scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on the final Thursday of the months of May, August, November and February. Meetings may be held virtually or in-person at 6200 Park Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50321.
Information on how to participate in the public hearing is provided through agency-managed listservs and on Water Quality News.
Client Contact
A final draft version of the IUPs, including all comments incorporated during the comment period, will be posted as part of the EPC Meeting and Agenda on the Iowa DNR EPC webpage
An open forum client contact group meeting will be held on the Thursday prior to each EPC meeting to discuss agenda items.
Free Language Assistance
If you need assistance in a language other than English, we offer you language assistance services free of charge. Request assistance at least two weeks before the meeting date at; or by telephone at 515.725.8200.
Asistencia lingüística gratuita
Si necesita ayuda en un idioma distinto del inglés, le ofrecemos servicios gratis de asistencia de idiomas. Solicite asistencia al menos dos semanas antes de la fecha de la reunión a; o por teléfono al 515.313.8909.
Environmental Protection Commission Meeting
The IUP is presented to the EPC for approval quarterly at the regularly scheduled EPC meetings typically held the third Tuesday of the months of June, September, December and March. EPC meetings are open to the public and provide a final opportunity for public comment on the IUP.