An Engine for Wind Generation

Iowa placed a strong focus on wind energy before it became trendy. It started with forward-thinking policy, was augmented by the state’s business-friendly approach and has succeeded due to an all-in, collective effort. 

Now, Iowa generates more electricity from wind than any other state and is a major reason why companies like Google, Facebook and Microsoft have chosen Iowa for energy-intensive facilities. Iowa’s robust wind energy portfolio may provide the opportunity for companies, by working with Iowa’s utilities, to operate their facilities with a zero-carbon footprint.

Review action plans and reports on the status of renewable energy in Iowa


Statewide Electricity Generation is from Wind (EIA, 2020)


in Additional Wind Capacity Planned by the State's Utilities (MidAmerican Energy, Alliant Energy)


Lower Electricity Rates than the National Average (EIA, 2022)

Iowa Wind Energy Component Manufacturers, Supply Chain Companies, & Wind Farms

AWEA, U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, 2018

Wind Energy map

Wind Power

Iowa Ranks #1 in percentage of wind in overall electricity generation

(AWEA, 2016)


Iowa's Wind Companies

acciona Windpower, Anemometry Specialists, Availon, NEXTera Energy, Siemens, tpi, Trinity Structural Towers, Inc.