The HOME-ARP program was created by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability. IFA was designated approximately $29 million in HOME-ARP funds in a one-time allocation.
The current HOME-ARP application round will be open for supportive services as well as nonprofit operating and capacity building assistance.
Available Funds
Supportive Services $4.5 million
Nonprofit Operating $1 million
Nonprofit Capacity Building $1 million
Qualified Populations
Individuals experiencing homelessness*
Individuals at risk of homelessness*
Persons fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking.
Other populations for which providing supportive services or assistance would prevent homelessness or would serve those at greatest risk of housing instability.
*As defined by 24 CFR 91.5
Supportive Services Supportive services are offered for activities necessary to assist the qualifying populations, prevent homelessness, or enable qualifying households to obtain and maintain housing. Eligible services are listed in CPD 21-10, and in the Supportive Services section of this application.
Nonprofit Operating Reasonable and necessary costs of operating the nonprofit organization.
Nonprofit Capacity Building Reasonable and necessary general operating costs that will result in the expansion or improvement of an organization’s ability to successfully carry out eligible HOME-ARP activities.
Nonprofit and for-profit entities
Local governments
Maximum Award
Supportive Services $150,000 for organizations that received 2024/25 Emergency Solutions Grant/Shelter Assistance Fund (ESG/SAF) grant awards. $300,000 for organizations that are not eligible for ESG/SAF.
Nonprofit Operating and Capacity Building Greater of 50% general operating expenses or $50,000, for either one assistance; annually. Or, Greater of 50% general operating expenses or $75,000, for both assistance types; annually.
Yes, if the applicant is a non-profit organization, the application may request funds for supportive service activities as well as non-profit operating and capacity building.
Yes. IFA may support projects located in local participating jurisdictions if the applicant has also sought funds from that jurisdiction. See below for more specific examples.
The application will not be open until the morning of July 8th. IFA is working to publish an application manual on the HOME-ARP website. This will be published as soon as possible but may not be available until after the funding round opens. The overview page of the application provides detailed instruction. Links to the CPD notice and HUD’s information website are included in the application.
In the Nonprofit Operating & Capacity Budget section, is the ‘Current Annual Operating Budget’ asking for the organization’s total budget, or the total budget for the homelessness program for which the funds are being requested?
The CPD notice indicates that an organization requesting one type of assistance, operating assistance or capacity building, the organization may not exceed the greater of 50% of the general operating expenses of the organization or $50,000. The CPD notice further states that an organization requesting both operating assistance and capacity building assistance may receive the greater of 50% of the organization’s total operating expenses for that year or $75,000. IFA recommends applicants indicate their organization’s total operating expenses in the budget section.
If we have an application pending from the first funding round, are we still eligible to apply for Non-profit operating or capacity building?
Yes. Non-profit operating and capacity building funds are available to applicants who are seeking to provide supportive services to qualified populations. An applicant who was awarded in the first round, or has an application pending further review, may apply for additional supportive services funds. The applicant will need to describe and demonstrate the service activities applied for in this round are clearly separated from the activities being considered or awarded in the first round.
No, the service activities available for funding are listed in the application. The services available follow the guidance in HUD’s CPD 21-10 notice. Home repair costs is not listed as an eligible service activity.
Yes, if the program offers services outlined in the application to qualified population participants.
No. Supportive services and nonprofit funds will be offered as a grant like the shelter assistance programs. Grant programs do not require matching funds.
Yes, however we request all information requests be sent to The HOME-ARP program manager will respond to inquiries sent to this address.
Applications for IFA’s HOME-ARP funds are allowed if the local participating jurisdiction has exhausted their allocation of HOME-ARP funds and/or did not allocate funds specifically for supportive services activities.
Regarding local HOME-ARP jurisdiction funds; Waterloo has yet to open their HOME-ARP application. They are waiting for HUD to approve their allocation plan. Waterloo’s HOME-ARP application likely will not be open before the IFA applications are due. How should providers in the is area proceed?
Applicants are encouraged to apply for IFA funds. In this scenario, the local participating jurisdiction’s funds are not approved and are not available for public use currently. Because local participating jurisdiction funds are not available; IFA may apply the balance of state funds in this jurisdiction.
No, limitation will not be granted. Unlike with unit construction, supportive services must be open to all qualified populations. Preferences for certain qualified populations are allowed but must comply with HUD/IFA guidelines.