Kevin currently resides in Manning IA, where he is the EVP of Templeton Savings Bank.

Kevin Boyle grew up on a family farm North of Danbury, IA and currently resides in Manning IA, where he is the EVP of Templeton Savings Bank at the Manning location with 17 years of employment and before that he was the President/CEO of American Interstate Bank. He has been married to his wife Mindi for 35 years and together they have three children and three grandchildren. All five are proud graduates of Iowa State University.

Kevin is currently a director of Templeton Savings Bank and American Interstate Bank in Elkhorn NE. He served a five-year stint on the Agricultural Committee with American Bankers Association. and sits on the advisory board for Iowa State University’s College of Ag and Life Sciences. Kevin is past chair of the Iowa Bankers Association Agriculture committee. Locally, Kevin is very active in his church, served as president of the Manning Betterment Foundation for 18 years, is a board member for Carroll County Farm Bureau and a four-time president of the Manning Rotary Club. Kevin and Mindi own 420 acres of farmland in Northwest Iowa.


Board Member




Templeton Savings Bank, EVP